304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Discover Our Journey

Meet Matt Smith, also known as The Solar Superhero. With over 23 years of experience in the solar industry, Matt has witnessed the evolution of solar technology and is passionate about providing customers with the highest quality solar solutions. At The Solar Superhero, we prioritize customer satisfaction, transparency, and integrity in everything we do.

Company Values

Commitment to Excellence
Delivering unparalleled solar solutions, we uphold a commitment to excellence, ensuring top-tier quality in every aspect.
Customer-Centric Approach
Prioritizing customer satisfaction, we provide personalized services and transparent communication for a seamless solar experience.
Innovation and Sustainability
Embracing innovation, we lead the way in sustainable solar solutions, contributing to a greener future with cutting-edge technology.
Integrity and Transparency
Guided by integrity, we maintain transparency in all interactions, fostering trust and reliability for enduring customer relationships.

Our Team

Andy Newman


Alicia Keys

Marketing Director

Mike Divor


Patricia Ralph


Nick Zele


Amanda Grey

PR Management

Greg Silmer


Rossa Pelmar


Mission & Values

At The Solar Superhero, our mission is to lead the charge towards a sustainable future by providing accessible, efficient, and innovative solar solutions. We are dedicated to empowering individuals and communities with the benefits of renewable energy, fostering environmental responsibility, and contributing to a greener planet. Our values center on integrity, transparency, and a relentless commitment to excellence, ensuring that every solar journey with us is marked by trust, reliability, and a positive impact on both our customers and the environment. Together, we aim to redefine the landscape of energy consumption, one solar panel at a time.

Booking Solar

45 Minute In-Home Solar Consultation
45 Minute Zoom Solar Consultation
5 Minute Solar Call

Do you have any question?
Feel free to contact us anytime.